UOBS - University of Baltistan, Skardu
University of Baltistan, Skardu
is located in
Gilgit Baltistan
Pakistan. Its a
sector university chartered by Government of
Gilgit Baltistan.
University of Baltistan, Skardu
current address is
Kargil-Skardu Rd, Hussainabad, Hussain Abad, Gilgit-Baltistan. You can visit there website
or contact on phone #
If you are looking for information regarding the University of Baltistan, Skardu Admissions, Admission results in 2021, Fee structure, and other details you can check here. UOBS is serving higher education since the year 2017. With seven departments, University is providing 11-degree programs for undergrads and grads students. University is also looking forward to initiating Chinese language lessons to eradicate the bearer and to increase the trade ties with China. This page is solely dedicated to the University of Baltistan, Skardu Admissions, Admission results in 2021, Fee structure information to help out the individuals looking for it.
University of Baltistan, Skardu Management
UOBS is the only university serving in the region with highly qualified faculty. The President of Pakistan serves as the Chancellor of this university and Prof. Dr. Muhammad Naeem Khan is the Vice-Chancellor of UOBS
University of Baltistan, Skardu Campuses
UOBS main campus is located on Kargil Road Hussainabad in Skardu and the other Anchan Campus is situated near Dr. Irshad Ali Chowk Skardu. The university is serving the student with the best possible facilities in fewer resources.
University of Baltistan, Skardu Departments
UOBS charter from the Federal Government of Pakistan and Higher Education Commission of Pakistan has the following departments. -
Faculty of Computer Sciences
Faculty of Biological Sciences
Faculty of Mathematics
Faculty of Chemistry
Faculty of Business Management
Faculty of Educational Development and Language and Cultural Studies.
Programs Offered at University of Baltistan
The University of Baltistan, Skardu offers a wide range of Graduate, Under-graduate programs, Including:
MA Education
MA English
BS Science in Computer Science
BA English (BA Hons)
BS Chemistry
BS Biology (Zoology)
BS Biology (Botony)
BS Mathematics
Tourism and Hospitality Management (Certificate Programs)
Get all the important information regarding the UOBS Admission results in 2021, Admissions, Fee Structure here.