UoH - University of Haripur
University of Haripur
is located in
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
Pakistan. Its a
sector university chartered by Government of
Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.
University of Haripur
current address is
BIC ,University of, Harīpur, Haripur, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa 22620. You can visit there website
or contact on phone #
0306 6910384.
If you are looking for the University of Haripur Admissions, Admission results 2021, Fee Structure, or something else, you will find it here. UOH is a Public University established in 2012, situated in Haripur, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. You can find the complete details about the University of Haripur Admission results, Admissions 2021, Fee structure, and more here.
University of Haripur Management
UOH, established in 2008 as the Haripur campus of Hazara University was later upgraded to a full-fledged independent university by the Government of KPK. Governor of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa serves as the Chancellor of UOH while Prof. Dr. Anwar-Ul-Hassan Gilani is the Vice-Chancellor of this dynamic institute.
University of Haripur Campuses
The University of Haripur Campus is spread over an area of 236 Kanals on the premises of the once factory of Rosin and Turpentine in Haripur.
University of Haripur Departments
UOH currently has the following departments:
Department of Economics
Department of Education
Department of Islamic and Religious Studies
Department of Management Sciences
Department of Psychology
Department of Forestry and Wildlife Management
Department of Linguistics
Department of Geology
Department of Information Technology
Department of Medical Lab Technology
Department of Microbiology
Department of Public Health
Department of Agronomy
Department of Entomology
Department of Pure and Applied Mathematics
Department of Food Science and Technology
Allied Section
Department of Agriculture Sciences
Department of history & Education
Department of Islamic and religious studies
Department of Environmental Sciences
Programs offered at the University of Haripur
UOH currently offers the following programs:
BS Accounting and Finance
BS Computer Science
BS Software Engineering
BS Artificial intelligence
BS Data Science (to be inaugurated soon)
BS Telecom and networking
BS Economics
BS Environmental Science
BS Education
BS Psychology
BS Medical Lab Technology (Diagnostic and Research Center)
BS Geology
BS Forestry and Wildlife
BS Physics
BS Food science
BS health and physical education
BS Biochemistry
BS Botany
BS zoology
BS Public Health
MCS (Computer Science)
MSc Economics
MSc Environmental Sciences
MSc Agriculture Sciences
MEd (Education)
MSc Psychology
MSc Medical Lab Technology (Diagnostic and Research Center)
MSc Microbiology
MSc Public Health
Phil and Ph.D. (Environmental Sciences)
MPhil and Ph.D. (Microbiology)
MPhil and Ph.D. (information technology)
Ph.D. (Agricultural Sciences; i.e. Agronomy, Entomology, Food Science and Technology, Horticulture, Plant Breeding and Genetics (PBG), Soil and Environmental Sciences)
MPhil and Ph.D. (Education)
MPhil (Forestry and Wild Life)
MPhil (Islamic and Religious Studies)
Here you can look up all the information about the University of Haripur Admissions, Admission results in 2021, Fee structure, and more.