Schools in Pakistan
List of Schools in Pakistan – Check complete school name list here and utilize this portal to see the complete schools directory of Pakistan. A great thing is that names are classified according to cities such as schools in Karachi, schools in Lahore, etc.
The literacy rate in Pakistan is not much high. However, around 68% Pakistani students complete primary school education. The curriculum in schools is usually divided into different disciplines such as Arts, Computer Sciences, General Science, Modern Languages, Mathematics, Religious Education, Social Studies, etc.
Each year, parents search for best possible school for their children according to their budget. However, for your ease and convenience we have developed this vast database of all schools in Pakistan. By clicking on each city, you can check their schools and the crucial information about them such as address, phone number, email address, etc.
How many schools are in Pakistan?
There are over 68,000 private schools in Pakistan. However, the data regarding government schools in Pakistan is not updated.
Which is the biggest school in Pakistan?
SPS or Sadiq Public School is among the biggest schools in Pakistan. It is located in Bahawalpur, Punjab, Pakistan and has a total area of over 450 acres.
Which are top boarding schools in Pakistan?
Although there are different boarding schools in Pakistan but cadet schools and colleges are regarded best among them.
What are different levels of education in Pakistan?
The education system in Pakistan can be divided into 6 levels. Preschool (Age: three to five years), primary (class one to five), middle (class six to eight), high (class nine and ten, leading to SSC or the Secondary School Certificate), intermediate (class eleven and twelve, leading to HSSC or Higher Secondary School Certificate), and university programs (undergraduate and graduate degrees).
Which city of Pakistan is called City of education?
According to reports, Wah has the highest literacy rate. It is a reason that it is regarded as the city of education.